Monday, March 30, 2009

Birthday Dinner @ Blue Lemon

Kati, Susan, Al, Rebecca, Emily, Amanda, Corinne, Patty, Kim, me.

Thanks to Susan for having a birthday! We had such a fun time at the new restaurant in Highland ::Blue Lemon:: We have a really fun neighborhood and little did we know that two of these women's husbands would be major players in the ward split on Sunday.
Our ward split (sad) and Amanda's husband is our new first counselor and Kim's husband is the new bishop in the ward we split from. And we were talking about the upcoming split at dinner!

Susan and Al were going to be in other wards so I was texting the new bishoprics to them in Sacrament Meeting. Not the greatest example to Bailey, but I think it was okay this once! It was such a BIG DEAL!!

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