Tuesday, November 4, 2008

knives and pumpkins and goo...oh my!

So i'd been promising Cooper we would carve pumpkins for the past two weeks! So finally on Halloween night, faced with our face-less orange friends, we got to scooping and carving.

This one i cut, coop scooped and i carved.

This one, I cut the top off and Cooper did the rest. he scooped out all the insides (a BIG improvement from last year when he got all squeemish and left the room) and I let him carve the face. It was REALLY SCARY for me to let him use the knife, but he's really careful and did a really great job!

such a big boy!!

1 comment:

Lonna said...

I can't believe how big Cooper is getting. 7 years old my goodness! He has the cutest little smile. And it appears that he is also handy with a knife, and scooper spoon.

Those are skills that he will need later on in life I am sure.